on 23rd March 2023

Solar thermal guide

Solar thermal technology is a system that takes the sun’s energy and turns it into hot water. It is one of the best ways to heat water as solar energy is available to most, has low running costs and is carbon neutral. Installation of solar panels would take place so that solar energy can be captured and generated into a useable source.

Collectors on the roof absorb the suns energy which is used to heat a fluid within the sealed circuit which then flows from the roof collectors, to a coil and then into a special hot water cylinder. Once the water has been heated, hot water is stored until its required.

Solar thermal collectors

There are two types of collectors, these are:

Flat plate collectors

Flat plate collectors have a black surface which is used to absorb the sunlight. The plates have an absorber surface coating which is designed to specifically absorb as much radiation as possible and reflect as little energy as possible. The energy is transferred from the collectors, to the heat carrier fluid in the pipes below.

Flat plate collectors are the most aesthetically pleasing of the two and have a lower cost for purchase, maintenance and repair.

Evacuated tube collectors

Like flat plate collectors, evacuated tube collectors have a surface that absorbs the solar radiation and transfers it to the heat carrier fluid. The difference with these collectors, is that they utilise the insulation capacity of a vacuum, which results in almost no heat loss. Mirrors are also mounted below the tubes so that sunlight is directed to the absorber pipe, meaning that they are the much more efficient option.

Evacuated tube collectors require less roof space, can perform with less sunlight and produce higher temperatures however are not as aesthetically pleasing.

Solar heating advantages

  • Heating bill savings of up to 60%
  • Low running costs
  • Solar heating is better for the environment as there are no CO² emissions during operation and a reduced consumption of fossil fuels
  • Many existing systems are compatible with solar thermal systems

Is my property suitable for solar thermal?

You will need a surface that is suitable for installation of solar collectors  (the best space is shade free during the day), a suitable area for a solar cylinder to be installed and a heating system that is compatible with solar thermal collection.

If you would like to discuss solar thermal options, please contact us.