The Boiler Upgrade Scheme is designed to help homeowners, self-builders and landlords upgrade their properties from a gas/oil boiler (or electric heating) to an Air Source or Ground Source heat pump. The scheme works by offering a voucher of up to £5000 towards the work needed to upgrade.

For Installers
As an installer, we can help your business benefit from the Boiler Upgrade Scheme without the need for you to be MCS registered.
If your customer has heating and hot water is currently provided by a gas, oil or even electric boiler or they have direct electric heating, the Boiler Upgrade Scheme can help them change over to an Air Source or Ground Source heat pump.
OMNIE will take care of the all the MCS and Boiler Upgrade Scheme administration for you when you install an OMNIE heat pump system. We will also design the system on your behalf and make sure that the system is properly commissioned and operational in order for your customer to benefit from using an OMNIE heat pump for their project.
When you purchase your customers Air Source or Ground Source heat pump from OMNIE, we will administer the Boiler Upgrade Scheme voucher for you. This will mean your customer will receive £5000 towards the cost of the Air Source Heat Pump (or £6000 for a Ground Source Heat Pump) from the UK Government, paid directly into their bank account when the system becomes operational.
If you your customer wishes to take advantage of the BUS programme and you are not MCS registered, you can use OMNIE – please call us on 01392 36 36 05 or ask your project manager to enact the scheme when you place the order with us.
You can download our FAQ’s sheet here: BUS Information for Installers

For Homeowners & Landlords
As a homeowner it is highly likely that your heating and hot water is currently provided by a gas, oil or even an electric boiler. You may also have electric heaters or direct electric heating. The Boiler Upgrade Scheme is designed to help you change your existing fossil fuel (or electric) boiler/appliance to an Air Source or Ground Source heat pump.
You can have an OMNIE Air Source or Ground Source heat pump powering your home heating and hot water and we will be able to administer the Boiler Upgrade Scheme voucher for you. This will mean you will receive £5000 towards the cost of an Air Source Heat Pump or £6000 for a Ground Source Heat Pump from the UK Government. We will also design the system for you and if you wish, connect you with an independent installer. If you have an installer in mind, simply let them know that they don’t need to be MCS registered to access the Boiler Upgrade Scheme if they are installing an OMNIE heat pump and we will handle all the administration and commissioning process for them.
You can download our FAQ’s sheet here: BUS Information for Homeowners