on 19th January 2023

Boiler Upgrade Scheme

The Government currently have the boiler upgrade scheme (BUS) available, which provides grants for those who are replacing fossil fuel boilers with clean energy sources (such as electric heat pumps).  £450 million has been allocated for the three year scheme from 2022-2025, with £150 million allocated annually.

The BUS scheme has been created to kickstart the rollout of heat pumps across the country. The future goal is for heat pumps to be no more expensive than fossil fuel boilers by 2030. The BUS scheme makes it affordable for thousands of households, which will lower emissions and energy bills.

Scheme funding is available via an application on the GOV website however installers can apply on behalf of consumers so that the funding can be deducted from their quote.

Grants available:

  • £5,000 off the cost and installation of an air source heat pump
  • £5,000 off the cost and installation of a biomass boiler
  • £6,000 off the cost and installation of a ground source heat pump

For more information, please visit the GOV website here.